Using our audience research that we have done on our short films that we have chosen for analysis and the results we got back from our questionnaire that we have created to find out more about what genre of films people like and informationon why they go and watch films. Here is our evaluation.
- Looking at our questionnaire and our audience resaerch from YouTube we have decided that we would like to make our short film so that it targets a young audience, this is beacuse of the fact that most people that answered our questionnaire were between the ages of 16-18, and combined that with the audience research from YouTube there is a greater target audience for younger people watching short films. For our short film we would like to target people between the ages of 16-25, which is a bigger enough group of people that we would like to target and there is potentail that people between the ages of 16-25 want to see more short films.
- Looking back at our questionnaire and our target audience that we gathered from YouTube we decided that we should target both males and females. This is becasue of the fact that by looking at our research that we have gathered, both genders enjoy watching films and they both genders enjoy watching short films as well, this can be seen by our research from YouTube because of the fact that most of the short films that we have chosen for analysis are very popular with both genders, so by saying our target audience is for both genders we will have a much greater target audience.
- On the poster side of the short film that will have to create as part of our media coursework, we have decided to create a poster that is simple but also is very effective as well, just like the submarine film poster that we put in our questionnaire, we liked this idea becasue of the fact that the submarine film poster was the most popular film poster that we put down in our questionnaire. Even before the questionnaire we liked the idea of having a simple poster with the main character on it, and some effects with colour rather than having an over complicated poster that does not look as effective as a simple poster which looks even more effective than the complciated poster.
- One of the questions in our questionnaire which has helped us to set the short film idea in stone is the question that asks people how many times they watch films per week, we were supprised by the answers becasue most people watched films 2-3 times per week and some even watch films ever day of the week, this tells that there is a current market for making films and even short films. This also tells us that there will be a target audience for the film as alot of people actually watch alot of films per week so there will always be an audience for the short film that we are going to make.
- Another important results that we got from our questionniare was what attracts you to go and see a film. The main 50% of the results was for the cast of the film, but the second higest with 40% was the plot of the film, This is really important for us because now we can focus on making sure that our plot for the short film is as good as it can be, and also that the plot of the short film can help to attract the audience members to the film has well, This means that we can concentrate on making sure our plot stands out from other short films with other plots that are similiar to our own. This is important for us as it will make our film stand out and attract the target audience that we want our short film to target.
Dan Davis
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