1. What is your gender?
The results of our questionnaire show that we asked equally both male and females which makes our results more reliable as there is no dominance of either gender. The importance of this effects our results as mostly men enjoy action films whereas woman tend to enjoy comedy and romance more therefore by having an equal audience representaion of both genders our results are more like to be accuarate.
2. What is your age?
Our results concerning age are dominated by audience members who are between the ages of 16-18 and a minority of one person for both age ranges of 19-21 and 22+. However the dominnance of the 16-18 year olds in our questionnaire is very useful to us as 18 years old is the minimum age of the audience we are trying to target (18-25). The majority of students who selected 16-18 years of age are eighteen or will be turning eighteen in a few months therefore doesnt effect the overall accuracy of our questionnaire.
3. Have you seen a short film?
Our questionnaire revealed that all of our audience members have seen at least one or more short films in their life, this is a good result to have collected as it tells us that there is still an interest in our target audience age range for short films and that the market for that is still there. This is also useful as our audience will have a better idea of what makes a good short film and what they might expect from it because the content and layout of a short film can be very different from that of an hour long blockbuster with a distinguished cast or director; as most short films are ameuture or do not get further then youtube.
4. What genre of film do you like?
The results of this question in our questionnaire show clearly that there is a near even spilt between comedy, action, romance and sci fi. This connotes that our audience prefer something with depth or fast pace to keep their attention and put them on the edge of their seat. The presence of comedy and romance in the results also show that our target audience also like to relax and enjoy a film and get lost in the characters. Another important result is that Horror films were not prefered by any member of our target audience; this shows us that although there may be a market for the genre it is the one with less impact and is not preferrably watched by our target audience.
5. How often do you watch films a week?
The results for this question show us that six out of 10 people watch films 2-3 times a week, two people watch films rarely a week and 2 watch films every day. This shows us that films are still an important part of our target audiences life and that they regularly watch them. This is useful knowledge of our target audience as it shows that our audience have probably viewed a lot of different films that have different takes on ideas, situations and characters; which means our target audience will be more open to new material and ideas.
6. What's one of your favorite films that you have watched recently?
The results from this question range widely as the answer was the open opinion of our audience members and they are all different. The results are split 4 and 6; six people enjoyed recent films such as The Dark Knight Rises, The Hunger Games and Avengers while the other four prefered older films like Forrest Gump and Kick Ass. This shows us that our target audience is open to old and new productions as long as they are done to a certain standard; the more modern films are full of action and complex story lines whereas the older films such as Forrest Gump have a depth of character that the audience love.
7. What poster are you attracted to the most?
(Poster A=Purge, Poster B=Star Trek, Poster C=Submarine)
The results of this question show us that 50% of our audience prefered the poster for the independant film Submarine whereas 20% prefered the poster for Purge and 30% the poster for Star Trek. The importance of this question was that it didnt matter if the audience enjoyed the film, it was what poster they were most attracted to and this information will help us when we come to make our poster for our short film.
8. What aspects of the poster did you like?
The majority of our audience prefered the poster for Submarine (shown in the results for question 7) and most comment that they liked the simplicity of the colours used on the poster, the clear and slightly comical image of the main character on the poster and also the effective artistic simplicity of the poster. The 30% who prefered the Star Trek poster liked the blurred shape of the space craft and commented that the moevement of the image makes the poster more intense. The 20% who prefered the poster for Purge like the use of depth of field on the poster, the layout and text font but also commented that because you can only see half of her face it makes the image more interesting.
9. What makes you go to see a film?
The results for this question shows us that 50% of our target audience go to see films because of the cast that are in the film, 40% go for the plot line and 10% go to see a film because of the director. These results show us that cast are important in the making of films however a good chunk of our target audience are still likely to see films even if their favourite actor isnt present as long as the story line is gripping. The 10% that would go to see a film for the director is intersting because it means that the role of the director is still very important and has an impact on the audience still.
10. What media platforms do you watch films on?
The results of this question show us that 40% of our target audience watch films on DVD while 30% watch films on a computer, compared to 20% who go to the cinema and 10% chose other and specified that they watch movies in their home cinema; because a good percentage of our audience members watch films on their computers (possibly on youtube or on movie websites) this shows us that there is a connection that can be made to our target audience. Also the fact that there were no results for our audience watching films on TV shows us were we are most likely to get in contact with our target audience.
(Dan = Pie charts and post layout, Leah = Analysis)